
The creation story


The first three chapters of the Bible record the creation story, but they do something more than this. These chapters actually give us an insight into the character of God; they take us into a divine secret.

To know how God creates is beyond human understanding, and so for this reason the wonder of creation comes to us in story-form - as a parable. It's impossible to fathom whether God created instantaneously or by process. If the creation were instantaneous, were there any growth rings in the trees of Eden? If by process, how was the first electron contained? So, the story leaves us with a whole stake of question, but what it makes clear is that God speaks, "God said", and "the heavens and the earth" were created. From nothing we came into existence and were brought close to God by his Word.

"He commanded and they were created", Psalm 33:6,9, and 148. So our first glimpse of God is that of a powerful sovereign Lord. It was said of king Nebuchadnezzar "whom he would he slew and whom he would he put down." Such is our creator God, and our response must be to proclaim "O Lord my God, you are very great, you are clothed with honor and majesty", Psalm 104:1. Before such a God we can only but bow, 1Peter 5.

Yet, as well as God's majesty, the creation story lets us see God's goodness. At each point in the story it says "and God saw that it (the creation) was good." God's goodness is seen in his creation, Psalm. 104, 145. "God has not left himself without witness in that he did good and gave us fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with joy and gladness", Acts 14. Even in a world out of control, polluted by selfish humanity, the goodness of God's creation shines through. Thanksgiving can be our only response.

Finally, the creation story tells us of human rebellion against the creator God who is both sovereign, and good. Adam and Eve are cast out of the garden and yet God is still "kind toward the unthankful and evil", Luke 6:35. He reveals himself as long-suffering, Matthew 5:45. He doesn't just wipe us out. Yet, that doesn't mean that God ignores rebellion. "In the day that I visit, I will visit their sins upon them", Exodus 32:34. As Paul the apostle reminds us, there is a day of judgement and on that day God will render to everyone according to their works, Romans 3:4-6.

God's willingness to delay retribution in the face of evil reminds us how we should respond to him - we rebels need bow before him in sorrow. "My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes", Job 42:5,6.


[Pumpkin Cottage]