Getting to know Jesus

      This site can be used for a personal discovery of Jesus Christ. Church is always the best place to meet with Jesus and hear His Word explained, but if you just want to hang loose for the present then the following links may be for you.
      Take your time to work through the following pages.
The Good News about Jesus. If you are not sure whether you are Jesus' friend then start with this short study.
Basics. Do you want to know more about the Christian faith? This series of 27 studies covers all the important truths about belief in Christ. One study per week is ample, particularly if the topic is difficult to understand.
Bible Study. Do you want to grow as a believer? Start out reading the New Testament, working through one of the gospels like Mark or Luke. Attempt one of the listed studies per week to start with and you will be amazed at how much you grow as a believer in a year.
Daily Prayer. Do you want to grow close to Jesus? Each day it is important to spend time with Him. This outline of daily prayer may be of aid to you. Note the elements: confession, thanksgiving, praise, intercession (praying for others) and supplication (praying for ourselves). Use the outline to develop your own prayer time.
Mini Sermons. You may find these little conversation pieces of interest. They touch on the many circumstances we push against in life.
      Enjoy your walk with Jesus. Remember, getting with a group of local believers is the way to go, so when you are ready, drop into your local church. All churches love to welcome new members.
[A clown]

Index of studies
[Pumpkin Cottage]
Pumpkin Cottage Ministry Resources
Lectionary Bible Studies and Sermons